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Guest Post Write for Us

Write For Us – Guest Post For Spice Up For Blog

Spice Up Your Blog is now one of the leading blogs is the Blog Tips, Help, Design And Gadgets Category with a PageRank 5. Over the past few years one of the keys to our growth is the awesome guest authors that have submitted guest posts and you too can become one of those awesome people.

Updated: Guest posting is being killed by spam and we don’t like it. We only accept links to your Website or Blog not to commercial websites.

  1. Thumbs down: If you are a Freelance writer hired to build links to Products or Professional services we are not interested.
  2. Thumbs up: If you have your own blog or website and want to link to that read on.

Last Update: July 2014. You can have as many links in your article as possible, and the links are in do-follow. What does it mean to you?

It does not mean that you will get free backlinks from this site.

The main criteria to get a post published on SUYB is still quality content and links that extend the content by giving additional value.

Here a few Don’ts

  • If you send me a guest post with lots of backlinks, I will ignore it because you are most likely a spammer. So choose your backlinks wisely.
  • If you send me a guest post with crappy backlinks that provide no value to my readers, forget it. You are better off writing the post for your own blog.
  • If you don’t have quality posts on your blog to link to, don’t link to it. But you are free to offer your content to SUYB with no backlink for whatever reason it is.

My suggestion to you:

  1. Write a post that you think will be beneficial to my readers. A good exercise to do is asking yourself if you would publish it on your own blog? If you hesitate to answer ‘yes’, don’t send the post to me.
  2. I know you want to be rewarded with a backlink. Feel free to implement as many as you wish. Then ask yourself again: “Would you publish it like this on your own blog?” If yes, you made sure that you are not linking to bad neighborhood, which is ‘thumbs up’.
  3. Another important thing: Don’t just think about your own blog. If you set 3 links to your blog, you are a damn liar. You tell me that these 3 blogs are of additional value to the post you send me. There are hundreds of quality blogs out there that also deserve a backlink. So link to them. (Yes, I like to link to other blogs as long as they have a good reputation.)
  4. Last but no least, if you link to my older posts too, you are fine. Bloggers like to see this because they see that you made your effort to go through their posts. This increases your chance of getting your post published dramatically.

Becoming A Guest Author

As a guest author you bring your voice to a new large audience, building your profile and credentials. You also get to add do-follow links to your blog (You may also add a link to your social profiles, we will add a no-follow tag to these links), website or anywhere you choose (With some exceptions) added to the post. So you really are reaching a new audience and as the primary readership of this Blog is people who keep their own Blogs you are connecting with like-minded readers.

What Type Of Posts We Are Looking For ?

Anything that is useful for our readers is good content for a guest post here. Remember you don’t need to be an expert some of the best posts involve Bloggers sharing their personal experiences and things they have learned or mistakes they may have made.

Suggest Topics Include:

  • Blogging
  • Bloggers
  • Design
  • Social Networking / Bookmarking Tips
  • Tools or Gadgets for Blogging
  • Tips and tricks on writing
  • How to write posts effectively
  • Topics and niches
  • Blog Promotion
  • SEO
  • AI

Not An Expert? I want this opportunity to be available to everyone so if you’re not ‘Tech Savvy’ why not write about your experience blogging.

I think you get the idea – if it can help a Blogger in any way i would love to have you write a post or posts. It can also be derived from your own personal experiences within Blogging. There is no minimum length for your post, but usually the guest posts have over 400 words.

Examples – List Of Published Guest Posts.


Your post must be original and must have never been published before on the Internet.
* You agree to not publish the post anywhere else (i.e., in your own blog or as a guest post in other blogs).
* We may make minor edits to posts, however if a major change is required we will consult the author.

* We do not accept AI contents

Your Author Links

As stated above you will get to add two do-follow links in your author bio. As a bonus you can add an extra link to one of your social profiles, this link will however have a no-follow attribute added.

We accept and recommend rel=”author” links connected to your Google+ account.

We will not accept very long tail keywords as anchor text. Sure; you can use keywords as anchor text but don’t go crazy 2-3 words should be enough for even the most ambitious of us.

Fresh, With Feeling And Your Voice!

The real buzz word for us is ‘FRESH’. As you have seen guest posts can cover a wide range of subjects but it is vital the content is new and offers our readers new information. It is also great when posts have some personality, use your voice when writing.

Go The Extra Mile

If you could add the following it would help speed up the process and make the post look better. These are all optional.

– An author image, An Image of yourself we can add to the author bio section, this makes the post more personal. The perfect size is 100x100px, once it is less than 300×300 we can re size it.

– A post image, All posts have an Image floated right at the top. If you could add a relevant image that would be great.

– The best format for us is pure HTML ready to copy and paste.


We use the latest copyright detecting software and all posts are run through THREE different plagiarism detecting services! Any author sending copied or spun content will be blacklisted and hired article writers will be reported to their employers.

Submit Your Post, Idea or Ask For More Info

OK To Get Started You Can Contact Me By Email.

If you have a post ready, great. Send it in the format you are most comfortable with (Text, HTML, Document, Zip, etc or if your unsure just paste it into the Email) and I will get back to you. If you have an idea or title you want to run past me let me know. If you want more info on the process just ask.

Thanks again for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.

Canis M – Owner Of Spice Up Your Blog.
Successor to Paul Crowe – Founder of SUYB.

Write For Us – Guest Post For Spice Up For Blog
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