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writing tips

Titles Are Not My Strong Point

One of the main problems of writing a regular blog is being able to come with good titles on a consistent basis; a good title can make your blog more appealing, and can help to build a strong, loyal audience. There’s no exact science, however, when it comes to what makes a good title; instead, there are a series of approaches that can help to boost your results, and can lead you towards creating a greater degree of consistency across your blog as a whole.


Use Keywords

Perhaps the most important building blocks for blog titles are keywords, which are scanned for and picked up by search engines; good keywords will help your blog to rank higher in search engines, and will mean that more people find your content. Keywords don’t have to be particularly complicated – if writing about cookery, you might want to include keywords such as ‘Winter,’ ‘Recipes,’ or ‘Seasonal,’ and should make sure that these keywords are repeated within your text.

Keep it Organic

The other side to writing good titles is that don’t want them to be too obvious, or too salesy – this means focusing on titles that are relevant to your content, and not designed simply to look good for search engines – bad content will show up your site, and will reduce your potential audience. Some good ways to make your titles more organic to what you’re writing about is to use questions or a list format, which might include, if writing about phones, ‘4G: Several Things to Consider,’ or ‘What’s the Future of 4G?’

Know Your Site

It’s crucial that you use metrics programs like Google Analytics and in built data from Blogger and WordPress to analyze which titles on your blog are performing well. You can look back at the number of hits that individual pages have received, and can look for any titles that seem to have generated particular interest. From here, you can consider what people tend to search for, and how they find your blog; looking at search terms can also make it easier to pick the right keywords for titles.

Make a Series of Posts

A useful way to build and retain traffic for your blog is to create a series of posts, all of which link to each other, either chronologically or around a single theme. A blog post series on 4G might, then, include different parts and updates, while a shopping guide can be broken down into several parts; doing so means that you have many more internal links on your blog, which will make it appear more relevant for search engines when looking for important keywords.

Keep Things Simple

Overly long blog post titles can be a problem if someone’s searching for a fairly basic term or area – as with long URLs, the more content you include, the more problems you may have with search engines not being able to filter out other sites. Short titles can include important keywords without being too long – something like ‘4G So Far’ could work well. Again, the important thing to focus on is not allowing the title to overwhelm the quality of the content that it heads; this should ultimately be the meat of your blog, and something that will deliver more of an audience over time.

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By Guest Author – Rob James is an online marketer who highly recommends Boxmodeldigital mobile web development agency. Rob can be found blogging about a variety of technology related subjects, including mobile phones, to SEO techniques.

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Titles Are Not My Strong Point
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