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Ride The Reddit Wave: How To Maximize Traffic To Your Blog From Reddit


What is Reddit? If you’ve seen the front page filled with hysterical gifs and shared life-exposed memes to your friends, then you’ve Reddit. Not only have you read it, but also maybe used it to generate buzz for your brand or product or even as simple as having the quote of the day at your office.

For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, you may be saying: I haven’t Reddit.

Well, similar to most social media sites, with Reddit you create a profile, join a community, and start sharing. However, unlike sites like Twitter and Facebook, where content and descriptive text is presented to you in real time news feed, Reddit is focused on presenting you with the highest rated content. This community is unique in that it is a self-monitoring social network, where your upvotes are translated into “karma”, the headline is the hook, and the content is the punch line. “Trolls” beware: there is a downvote as well. In this democracy style platform, you want to get as many upvotes as possible.

How do you use it?

Most people who are successful at using Reddit have used it on a regular basis by learning the trade, and of course, being creative.

As it becomes more familiar, you use it more, and just as karma does, returns the favor to you by making you popular.

Whether you own a business, trying to build a brand, or live and breathe social media, most of you all want to drive traffic to your website. How do most people do this?

As a political blogger, you may use Reddit to tell readers you’re an expert at research by posting interesting photos and making people laugh. As a techie, you may be good at directing people to exclusive sites that help you build your reputation online. OR maybe you are just an ordinary user and you have interesting questions such as: “What is the biggest mind blow you have ever experienced?” and you learn that 90% percent of big data ever created began in 2008, and 60% of that are reposts. You’ll have plenty of things to talk about and discuss at the dinner table, sitting around with friends, or even during an awkward business meeting.

3 Tips for using Reddit to drive traffic to your blog:

Let’s say you’ve created a profile, explored the app, yet, you are still trying to master it. You are thinking to yourself, be this just another social media account waiting to be abandoned on my mobile device? Before you consider crossing it off your list, stop for the traffic. In December, Reddit served about 2 billion views, and I will give you 3 simple tips to help drive much of this attention to your blog or website.

Be Timely and Consistent.

Try to send posts before 5PM and keep a consistent flow of information coming. Great, so you’ve made the front page news for the first time, now, make it happen again. Perhaps make a Reddit schedule. Try to pick a few days out of the week and commit to spending time looking for things to post and creating interesting content and dialogue.

Know the Community.

The community is made up of smart, sarcastic, witty and humorous people who love to geek out and discover cool stuff. Know how to engage and target the audience. Many Reddit users will probably tell you that the community is mostly made up of males between the age of 18 and 30 of which 50% is single (insert “forever alone” meme).

What content to submit.

It’s all about two essential things: one, an eye-catching title and two, stimulating content to follow. Simple enough? If you’re just a beginner and are overwhelmed by the pressures of the front page then you should try to use subreddits to your advantage. Subreddits are a great way to narrow down users search so the audience can come straight to you. With your readers coming to you, it will be obvious whatever content you are posting that they are interested in it as well. In addition, if your site is associated with your content then well you may have just landed a new subscriber or fan. All of this of course, given that you post legitimate material.

With that all said, go check out the front-page news now if you haven’t already Reddit. Follow these 3 easy steps and “brace yourself because a flood of karma points are coming”.

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Ride The Reddit Wave: How To Maximize Traffic To Your Blog From Reddit
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