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post titles

How To Show Post Titles Only On Your Blogs Homepage

One of the most popular Blogger tips ever was the ‘Read More’ or ‘Post Summary’s’ hack. Before Blogger made the read more function standard you had to add a large amount of code to your template to achieve the effect of having only the first paragraph displayed on the homepage with a link to read the full post. The trick i will show you in this post goes a step further and only displays the post title on the home page which can be clicked to lead to the full post. You could show 20-30 posts on your homepage and they will appear like a recent posts list. This is a very useful trick and quiet easy to implement. By displaying only the post titles on your blogs home page you can have more posts listed, make the page load time faster and make your blog easier to navigate for readers.

Also Blogger have controversially started ‘Auto Pagination‘ which limits the amount of content you can have on your home page. Unless you have a lot of full posts on your homepage you should not be effected but it’s worth noting. I’m currently using this format on another blog and it fits perfect with the topic and theme of the blog. Only a small piece of code needs to be added to your template so lets walk through the steps.

blogger post titles only

Post Titles Only On Homepage

Step 1. In your dashboard click ‘Layout’ > ‘Edit Html’ > Tick the ‘Expand Widget Templates’ Box :

blogger layout (2)
blogger edit html (2)
blogger expand widget templates (2)

Step 2. Find the following code in your blogs Html :
(Click Ctrl and for a search bar to find the code – More Info)

<b:include data='post' name='post'/>

Step 3. Replace the code you found with the following code :

<!--Post Titles Only Trick-->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "item"'>
<h3 class='title-only'><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a></h3>
<b:include data='post' name='post'/>

Step 4. Save Your Template.

Remember you can get all these tips sent directly to your email and stay a step ahead.Its a quick and easy service Provided for Free by Google.Just fill in the Email form below the post.If you need extra help on this or any tutorial just leave a comment, I love comments and feedback so this Blog is Do-Follow - when you comment here it helps Your Blogs Google rank !

Once you template is saved you can check out your new style homepage.If your not happy with the post titles only style you can easily reverse the change.

Lets us know if your using this new format, the read more format or listing full posts on your homepage.

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How To Show Post Titles Only On Your Blogs Homepage
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