Most blogs now have an ‘About Me’ or ‘About Us’ page.The days of using pen names and writing your blog anonymously are all but gone.Readers of your blog are interested in who you are and by being open you create a level of trust between you and your readers.I think having an about and contact page are now very important and people expect them.In general your blogs about me page will be a simple page on your blog with some general information and maybe an image but how about trying something different ?
One cool option is provided by the website About.Me. They let you create a unique page you can use as an online Profile with all your info, links and social profiles. You can sign up for free or Log in with Twitter And Facebook and create your about me URL which will be name. Then write a bit about your self, add some images, link to your blog, Link to your Twitter and Facebook and customize the page. You can then link to that page as your about me or about us on your blog.
Something Different ? Here is the link – About.Me
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