We all have buttons to share our blogs on the main social networks, readers can easily Tweet, Like and pin posts to their followers.However MoShare has taken a differant angle to sharing content, MoShare is a Mobile Sharing service which allows users to send online content to their friends Mobile Phones.When you add the MoShare button to your blog readers can click the button add their Cell phone / Mobile Phone number, the number of friends they want to send the content to and send.With MoShare you can share Images, Videos and of course Blog Posts via text and it works with all types of devices.
Below I will show you how to add the MoShare button to WordPress, Blogger and Tumblr blogs.First take a look at the videos below for more on How It Works and Information for publishers.
What Is MoShare
Moshare For Publishers
How Much Do MoShare Texts Cost
I have had a number of Emails and comments asking about the price of using this service.So I contacted their support and recieved a fairly conclusive reply :
“..To answer your question about costs/pricing…
We do not charge anything for the messages that are sent out. The only costs users will incur are their normal carrier text messaging and/or data charges.
So, if you have an unlimited messaging plan, you will incur no additional charges. If you have a bucket of messages, i.e. 250 messages/month, then the messages will be subtracted from that bucket. For those that have no messaging plan, their carrier’s a la carte messaging pricing will be charged, which is typically about 20-25 cents/message.
Data charges will be incurred if someone clicks a link and visits a website from their phone. Again, the pricing will depend on the person’s phone account and follow the same pattern as the messaging plans, no additional cost for those with unlimited data plans, etc…”
The MoShare Button
Below is a working MoShare button you can try; and in the process text this post to your friends, Thanks !
Add Moshare To Your Blog
Luckily MoShare make it easy to add their button to your blog on WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr and websites.
1) Head to the MoShare site.
2) Click the Get MoShare Button (Below Video) > On the next page click click ‘Get The Button’ on the ‘For Your Website Or Blog’ section.
3) Tick the box beside your Blog Platform for Instructions.
– On WordPress you will be adding it from the WP Plugin Directory.
– On Blogger you will be adding the button to a sidebar gadget, remember you can remove the gadget title and place the gadget at the end of your layout page.No matter were you place the gadget the button will be below all your posts.
– For Tumblr they provide the code with instructions to add to your blog.
Add The Gadget Via ShareThis
Share this have a Partnership with MoShare so you can add the button via share this.Check out our tutorial on Adding Share This Bookmarking Buttons To Blogger.
I like the Idea of Mobile Sharing but It remains to be seen if MoShare takes of among Publishers and Internet users, they have received a lot of financial backing and exposure; time will tell.
Drop Your Comments And Questions Below.
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