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7 Quick Ways To Write Quality Blog Posts FAST


Are you spending too much time chained to your computer trying to pump out just one more blog post ? Is your partner knocking on the door asking when you are coming to bed ? Just one more minute creeps up to midnight. Or are your kids whining at your feet for some attention and your frustration shows as you try to explain to them that mummy is trying to write on her blog. This is a true story as I eagerly started my blogging career trying to learn how to do everything in Internet marketing with that dream of earning money on an Internet lifestyle. It was not working.

Stop and take a breath. Here are my 7 Quick ways to write blog posts fast so you can do the things that are worth more than being chained to the computer. I have trialled and tested the following techniques so I can continue to write great content on my blog, smart and fast. It does not matter what your blogging goals are or if you want to promote affiliate income, write about your family, business or technology, you need to learn how to do it fast so you can do the other things you enjoy besides spending 24 hours a day, a slave to writing, syndicating and social media.

7 Quick Ways to write blog posts FAST

1. Remove Distractions: When you are ready to write the most obvious and easiest thing to do is turn off email, exit Skype, close down your browser and turn on the television to distract the kids. Open your document editor and start writing.

2. Have a blogging topic prepared: I try not to look for blogging ideas during this time on the Internet because I get totally distracted reading, clicking and scrolling. Best tips are to carry a notebook/iPad/Phone and when you think you have an idea quickly note them down. Use that time in boring meetings to write down a blog post or your lunch break. So when it is time to type you can use the time to check your keywords and if required to do a quick search on the topic.

3. Use videos, pictures and quotes to quickly add content and value to your post : If you are piggybacking on trending news go to YouTube and find a video. If you find a good quote, copy it in (reference of course). Save time by adding on of your Instagram photos on your smartphone. I find my own Instagram photos are best because I am not infringing copyright, they are unique and they are the perfect size to quickly upload.

4. Write first and edit later: Blogs don’t have to be perfect. Know how to break them up with a few different subheadings and use a list. Have a basic structure in mind: Introduction, state the problem, list a solution and conclude. Done.

5. Autosyndicate to save you time individually posting your published article to individual social media sites. Set up your WordPress with autosynidcation plugins to your favourite social media sites. Alternatively there are paid services that you can subscribe to as well.

6. Guest Posts: Be open to receive a guest post once a month. Either advertise for guest posts on your website or MyBlogGuest is another good site to find good articles in your niche.

7. Ghost Writers: Alternatively advertise for a ghost writer on virtual assistance websites like Elance and get fresh content every week for you to modify and publish.

This post has taken me 20 minutes to write in between other work jobs. It can be done with some preparation and commitment without feeling like you are spending too much time on your blog. Blogging is fun and can be lucrative to earn an income but you need to be smart with publishing fresh quality content without wasting your valuable time.


By Guest Author – Lisa Devereaux, I am your Empowerment and Business Success Coach AKA “Twins’s MUMMY.” Discover how one frustrated mum finally made great money online /lifestyle by fulfilling her passion and refusing to work at her computer for more than 2 hours a day. Follow her blog at:

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