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techniques and tips

10 Top Techniques And Tips In Persuasive Writing

Want to persuade your blog visitors to buy your product or service? Or looking for ways to convince your readers to agree with your point of view? The answer is simple. All you need to do is to create persuasive pieces of text that can motivate your visitors to believe in your product or service or anything that you offer.


Persuasive Writing

Persuasive writing is nothing but a style of writing that combats the reader to believe in what the writer is talking about. You don’t have to be a philosopher or obtain a background in psychology to write your content in persuasive style. Once you are clear about the strategies involved in persuasive writing, you will naturally end up with a greater understanding of your reader and people in general. But how can you really do that? How can you go about creating persuasive content? Here are the 10 persuasive writing techniques for effective content marketing.

Show Your Expertise: The first step you need to keep in mind while writing persuasive content is the need to establish your expertise. If you want to convince the reader, you need to establish that you have adeptness in that arena in which you are writing.

Do Research: When it comes to persuasive writing it is momentous that your facts are absolutely straight. Make sure that your writing doesn’t contain even a minor piece of erroneous information. Hence it is necessary to do careful research before you pen down.

Be Confident: Also in the same vein, you need to be confident in your writing style to achieve the goal of persuasive writing. Use strong and unequivocal language in your writing work and get to the point. It is better to avoid flowery language and overuse of adjectives and adverbs. Use words that have more weight and eliminate wordiness.

Cite Relevant Sources: Further you need to cite relevant sources of supporting information to back up your statements or arguments. Include your proof of evidence in testimonials and outside referrals and is indeed the driving force of social media marketing today. When you mention a well-known personality and align him in your message, it gives more credence to your writing and obviously your content becomes far more persuasive.

Be Concise: Generally readers agree and associate with your writing only if you maintain a rational stream of thought throughout your content. Altering your message in the mid-stream is destructive of obtaining agreement. Therefore be concise in your thoughts and actions so that the readers can easily understand your message.

Be Positive: To make your writing persuasive, you are required to use words that have positive connotations. Avoid negative phrases and words and most importantly, never misrepresent yourself to the audience by rephrasing negative statements in the positive way.

Repeat a Phrase: In your attempt to write in a persuasive manner, you need to repeat certain important concepts in different ways throughout the copy. In fact it is a great way to establish rhythm in your writing and to pull your readers in. And when you are communicating complicated information, repetition makes a greater impact in the reader’s mind.

Reason Why: If you intend to be persuasive in your writing, it’s always wise to give the reason why. Psychological studies have revealed that people are more likely to comply with a request when they have a reason why they should. Relating the merits of your product or service is one best way to communicate the reason a person should buy or take some action.

Use Comparisons: Along these same lines, you are required to use analogies and comparisons such as metaphors and similes to make your content clearer and more compelling. Usually readers will accept things when you relate ideas to what your readers already hold as true. This can definitely make a huge difference in the success of your communication and to accomplish the goal of your persuasive writing efforts.

Tell a Story: A human brain can process information much better when they are presented as stories. If you want make your writing more memorable and more attention grabbing, you need to turn your facts into stories. Drafting a sales copy with a story is an awesome technique to pull your readers.

With these 10 persuasive writing techniques I am sure that you can drastically improve your conversions and sales through your online content. What else are you waiting for? Start writing today! And see the magical reformation of your writing into a persuasive one.

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By Guest Author – Alfred writes for Dot Com Info way, a multinational Company offering Information Technology services to businesses. They provide excellent Internet Marketing solutions with the help of well trained Search Engine Marketing Specialists

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