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Spice Up Your Blogs Content With Infographics

Just like text, infographics can be a good way to present your content. A lot of blogs and websites started focusing on using this type of media to reach and impress audience especially that people are becoming more interested in this type of content with the growth of social medias such as Pinterest and Instagram . Below is a list how infographics can “Spice up” you blog.


– It’s interesting: For most of internet users spending precious times to finish reading one long article is not an option, however making an alternance between text and image is a good way to give your readers a brake and keep their attention.

-It’s original: Due to the difference from one design to another. By integrating your own designs you’re being unique and presenting new content.

-Deliver your ideas efficiently: Like in math when mathematicians try to grab all the information and put it in easy to understand graph, using Infographics is a similar way for bloggers to simplify or sump up their ideas when writing content.

-Drive more traffic to your blog: Designers and publishers are always looking for new inspirational designs. By using infographics you’re targeting this new audience too. You can also get referrals by websites that include your works with their content if it serves the topic.

– Reach the social media audience: People love sharing images. Whether you’re sharing your content on Facebook, Pinterest or Google plus, replacing the standard text description with an appealing image will help attracting more eyes and creating some buzz.

Where to start ?

Check out our 10 Tools You Can Use To Create Awesome Infographics.What do you think ? Drop your comments and questions below.

By Guest Author – Montassar Ghanmy is a webdesigner who recently started blogging at can also find him on Facebook and Twitter.

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