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blog post

Anatomy Of An Engaging Blog Post

A blog post, at its best, is a carefully constructed body of work where each of its parts work together to convey information that is attention-grabbing, entertaining, and enticing—a good post bodes well for the blog as a whole and keeps new readers coming back for more. Constructing a successful blog post does not require surgeon-like precision, but it does demand an understanding of what parts are needed to create a functioning beauty rather than a revolting Frankenstein.

great blog posts

A concise, clever headline

As the very first element readers lay eyes on, the post headlines needs to be concise, but also instantly attention-grabbing. It also needs to be reflective of the content below. Play around with headlines, and don’t be afraid to keep a post in the “drafts” folder until you come up with a better one. The best headlines will contain SEO keywords so that the post will rank highly in search engine results, thus driving more traffic to your blog.

Scannable content

If a reader sees a lengthy, college-level dissertation before them, they will lose interest before even giving the post a second thought. Blog readers have short attention spans and want short, bite-sized paragraphs for easy scanning to extract the information they need. The body of your blog post should be succinct; cut the fat by using concise, short paragraphs and by deleting any tangents or extraneous information.

Pictures and videos

Use images to complement your words. Blogging is a visual media, so incorporate pictures and videos as applicable to bolster your writing and provide the reader with a total sensory experience. However, don’t go crazy on visual content to the point that it detracts from your content, and don’t include pictures and videos just for the sake of having them. Again: no fat; use only what is necessary.

Writing void of spelling and grammar errors

Though blogging is a different kind of writing than, say, academic writing, it should still be proofread and free of mistakes. Spelling and grammar errors make a blog post look rushed, the writer look unskilled, and the content undeserving of consideration. Don’t turn off readers by making easily avoidable mistakes.

Use tags and categories to your advantage

To attract readers to past posts, create categories that tie in with your blog content and that you will use frequently. Tags do the same thing but will also show up in SEO searches. If a reader likes a post with a particular tag, they’ll be likely to check out more posts with the same tag.

Keep it interesting, unique, and personable

The heart of any blog post is what makes it unique, what makes it something that cannot be found elsewhere and what will keep the reader coming back for more. Find a niche (whether it’s cooking or creative writing), and write with passion.

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