
How To Fight Off Blogger’s Block

Blogger’s block is a phenomenon much like writer’s block, but it can apply not only to the actual writing of the content, but also to the overall maintenance of the blog and the goals the blogger has for the blog’s future. Blogger’s block can strike anyone, even the most seasoned blogger, at any time, and it can last for as little as a few minutes to several months, depending on the character of the blogger in question. Blogger’s block is one of the main reasons as to why new bloggers give up on their blog within a few months of starting it.

bloggers writers block

So, if we can accept that blogger’s block can happen to the best of us, then we should focus not necessarily on only preventing it, but on dealing with it when it does strike. The idea here is to minimize the damage blogger’s block can cause us. Here are a few tips to working past bloggers block and preventing it from happening often.

Check Your Vision

To minimize blogger’s block, you should make sure you have a solid vision for your blog. Reexamine your goals. What kind of future do you anticipate for you blog? What will your blog look like in five years? What reasons do you have for blogging and how can you reach your blogging goals? If you are clear as to the origins of your blog and what you’d like to do with it, then you’ll have fewer chances of blogger’s block. Blogger’s block strikes those who often can’t decide why they blog. If you have a good reason for yourself, then you’ll be better off.

Stay In Your Niche

Blogger’s block also affects those bloggers who don’t blog in a niche, or blogging subject and community, that suits them best. For example, if you like gadgets but are not very technologically knowledgeable, then starting a blog about trends in gadgets might not be the best idea. But, what you could do is write about gadgets from the perspective of a person who is not computer-savvy. That personal spin could help you find a unique place in that niche, thus helping you focus all your posts and avoid getting blocked.

Who Is Your Audience?

Another way to treat blogger’s block is to always write for an audience. Always think about whom you’re writing for. Try to imagine how they’ll react. Try to think of what might be interesting to them and how you can put your personal spin on it. If you write only for yourself, then you might not have trouble thinking of good content, but you’ll be blocked when it comes to worrying about why your traffic numbers are so low.

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